With smartphones bringing in huge memory, people have developed a habit of saving a text for a fairly long period of time or forever. Everyone has their own reasons for keeping text messages on their phones, but here are some reasons that will tell you why you should delete your text messages regularly. Improves the speed of your phone We receive a huge amount of text messages every day, and that’s the reason our inbox is flooded with messages. With the passage of time, these tiny messages start taking up space in your smartphone’s memory, which results in slow processing. By deleting your text messages regularly, you can free up space and practically make your phone work faster. Keeps your secret safe Cheating isn’t only dating or flirting, one has to be careful with text messages if one doesn’t want his/her partner to know the secret. Bad luck never knocks before coming, so it is always safe to clear your text message history every 30 days or before meeting your partner. Helps in getting over your EXBefore the advent of smartphones, lover-letter, and a few collectibles were the only stuff to cry with after a breakup. But now, since we have our phones in our hands 24/7, we spend days, weeks, and even months looking at the gone lovely moments of an ended relationship. It’s always better to let those old texts die along with the relationship. Perhaps you cannot delete your messages on regular basis or you don’t remember doing it in a while. Then thanks to a smartphone, it has a pre-loaded feature that can do this for you. [success] For iOS 8: Go to Settings > Messages > Message History > Options For Android: Go to Messaging app >Settings >Delete Old Messages > Set Limit [/success] via

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