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IndexedDB Bug

The problem is not a new one. As the team is still working on the same probelm from November 28th of the previous year. The Fingerprint JS group agree to create the discovery public in order to speed up the repair process. The IndexedDB minimal-level JavaScript API, which is widely used, adheres to the same-origin principle. It states that documents or scripts from one origination should not engage with resources from other origins. For understandable reasons, such as if you use a single tab to visit a user’s bank another a dangerous website. Then a webpage viewed in the first tab of the computer should not be capable of communicating data with the second tab.

Safari 15 Database

However, in the instance of this indexed database, the individual pages actually communicate, placing the individual at risk. Whenever a website engages with a database (DB) in Safari 15, that uses IndexedDB. Then, new empty databases with a similar name are produced in all current frames, pages, and windows. As a consequence, other websites now have access to the database names. The Safari flaw can then reveal publicly accessible data from a Google account, for example. The name of the database will include the distinct Google User ID of users who are logging into their Gmail account. If websites scrape the Google Login Name and utilize it to retrieve personal details. Then, you can use these database IDs to retrieve identifiable details from a lookup table. A rogue site can not only discover a user’s information, but it can also stitch together numerous individual accounts from the exact user. Also Read: WhatsApp is Introducing New Features

Safari 15 Leak Due to WebKit s IndexedDB Bug - 37